Thursday, January 30, 2020

Parallel Space Lite Old Version 4.0.8596

Parallel Space Lite Old Version 4.0.8596

If you want to use two different workspaces, You only have to configure two user sessions. For instance, one for work and another one for leisure. Even if you use web applications such as social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...), email or instant messaging of the likes of WhatsApp, you only have to have two browsers running at the same time such as Chrome and Firefox, for instance.
However, on Android, this is much more uncomfortable because we can use certain apps on the double. In other words, if we've got a dual-SIM smartphone, we won't be able to use two WhatsApp accounts at once but we'll to swaps SIMs each time. And so on with other apps.
How to use two WhatsApp accounts at once, finally solved
And the same goes for email accounts, social networks, YouTube... and to do so you'll have to download Parallel Space - Multiple accounts & Two face. But what is Parallel Space and how does it work? Well, it's simply an application capable of cloning other applications making it possible to manage several user accounts simultaneously.
In other words, if you want to log into the same social networks with two different users at the same time, you can... but that also goes for other kinds of apps: want to play with two users at Clash of Clans or Clash Royale? It's possible..